About Pacific Pharmaceuticals Limited.
pharmaceuticlas company in Pakistan.
What We Do
Research & Development
Innovative drug formulations, medicines, narcotics
Over 180+ Registered products, manufactured for the local market as well as international market
Our marketing agents are spread throughout the country
About Pacific Pharmaceuticals
Pacific Pharmaceuticals, is a Model Unit “Accredited by The Ministry of Health, Pakistan”, We are the only Pharmaceutical Company in Pakistan who has been awarded MHRA certification for the manufacturing of Solid Dosage products in the United Kingdom and European Union GMP Certification since 2001 till this date. Our manufacturing plant is equipped with highly sophisticated and state of the art machinery and equipment mostly imported from Germany, Italy and United Kingdom. Pacific Pharmaceuticals is ISO 1400:2004 Certified Pharmaceutical Company by SGS.
Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was established in 1990 and is widely involved in manufacturing and marketing activities of its products in the domestic and foreign market. The Company is manufacturing pharmaceutical products in technical collaboration of six globally renowned multinationals pharmaceutical Companies namely:
- Marion Merrell Dow inc. U.S.A.
- Recordati Industria Chimicae Farmaceutica S.p.A. Milano, Italy.
- Ravizza Farmaceutici S.p.A, BASF Group, Italy.
- W.K Buckley Limited. Canada.
- Applied Pharma Research s.a. Switzerland.
1991 : Inauguration
Pacific Pharmaceuticals Inaugurated at Multan Road Lahore
2003 : Accreditation from TÜV
ISO 1901:2000 Accreditation from TÜV
2004 : GMP Certification
European Union GMP Certification from Germany to a Pakistani Pharma Company
2005 : LCCI Gold Medal
LCCI Gold Medal First Acheivement Award
2007 : ICRC Award
2017 : MHRA Certification
First Pharma Company of Pakistan to be awarded MHRA Compliance Certificate
Years Established
Finished Products
International Awards & Certifications
International Contracts
Our Services
Research & Development
Explore innovations in our drug formulations, medicines, narcotics and consumer healthcare from inside and outside our laboratories.
Over 180+ Registered products, manufactured for the local market as well European, Latin American, African, Middle East and South East Asian countries which include UK, Germany, Italy, Somalia, Mauritius, Jordan, Srilanka and more.
Regulatory Affairs Consultation
With the high reputation of effective products in the market, we take the shortest time in registering our products with DRAP.
Our marketing agents are spread throughout the country, allowing us to access any category of market in our country.
Having state of the art blistering machines, our packaging is soft, reliable and anti-bacterial even after a humongous amount of time, the products are kept safer than ever
Contract Manufacturing
Our MHRA certification has led us to get contracts from highly reputable International companies such as Crescent, Waymade etc. for manufacturing their products in the local territory.
Our Directors
Vice President
Director Operations
Director Commercial & Projects
“The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind.”
Norman Borlaug –
father of the Green Revolution and credited with saving over one billion people from starvation
Get in touch
Need assistance or any details regarding any product or want to collaborate with us?
Write us… we’ll reply in no time.